DHA Multan Relocation Sector B-2

DHA Multan is the name of a state of the art living environment, including great plans. It started in 2013 to meet housing essential of the Social and Financial focus point of South Punjab.
Defence Housing Authority has advanced fundamentally in emerging as the greatest and most prestigious confidential home in the country. DHA ensures improvement of the top level metropolitan neighborhood and has persistently attempted to spread out benchmarks in orchestrating and progression of an adaptable neighborhood.
The City of Multan is developing all around, yet keeping in view the genuine structure of Multan, DHA Multan has envisioned and developed better vehicle linkages and easier receptiveness. DHA Multan is spread in excess of 9500 Segments of land on ideal geographical region with exceptional accessibility. With top tier orchestrating, DHA Multan offers DHAM Houses, Golf Social class, Preparing city, Clinical consideration City, Golf Club, 3D Film, Sports Field, Food Courts, Uber Retail outlets, Event Complex, Point and Goal parks.